Jake's best (and only) brother. The only person in the world Jake refuses to argue with.
Alicia Tamarkin - Maid of Honor
Lauren's younger sister who grew up always wanting to do or wear whatever her big sister did. While Lauren can't say she felt the same way growing up, she will look to her younger sister for advice on how to throw one hell of a wedding celebration!
Byron Buonamici - Groomsman
Jake's best friend since the fifth grade. Incredibly kind, welcoming, and dependable. Just make sure you keep an eye on him when he's playing a board game.
Sarah Tamarkin - Bridesmaid
Lauren’s cousin and exploring, Broadway going, restaurant trying, and celebrity spotting partner during their time living in New York City.
Marko Skugor - Groomsman
Jake's close friend since the fifth grade. Always center of the party, Marko's kindness shows through in taking in stray cats off the street. He's so dedicated to cats even his wife is named Cat.
Annie Carruthers - Bridesmaid
Lauren's friend since fourth grade. Annie was Lauren's first travel partner before she met Jake. Together they've traveled throughout Europe and to Hawaii and Japan.
Chris Kuhlow - Groomsman
Jake's friend since the ninth grade. Known for his laugh and his love of Adidas tracksuits. Jake and Chris also met in the fifth grade, but Jake didn't like sharing a music stand with him in Band. Jake got over it.... eventually.
Kristie Bennett - Bridesmaid
Lauren and Kristie bonded as the two varsity field hockey goalies in high school. After discovering a mutual love of Disney movies, they "starred" in our school's production of High School Musical together and then were roommates as they both worked at Disney World.
Paul Kahan - Groomsman
Jake's friend since high school. Father of a small zoo of animals and lead singer of a local heavy metal band. Will always duet with you in karaoke.
Kate Vorys - Bridesmaid
After years of knowing of each other through middle school dances and drivers ed classes, Lauren and Kate became friends their freshman year of college. They attribute their years of friendship for their parents' now years of friendship.
Jay Lee - Groomsperson
David's partner for over 15 years now, which is quite a feat when you're barely 30. Jay's been a part of the family for almost as long as David has.
Abi Imperati - Bridesmaid
Lauren and Abi met at orientation before starting their freshman year. They loved living in New York City at the same time in their 20s and have a special ability to convince the other one that any weird idea is actually a really good one.
Michelle Roberts - Groomswoman
Jake's sister he never had. Jake and Michelle grew up on the same street together and have been in each other's lives since Arthur Road Kindergarten.
Alice Wang - Bridesmaid
Lauren and Alice met as hall mates their freshman year of college. They've quickly bonded over their love of reality tv and their ability to sleep in well past the AM hours. At least they still enjoy one of those things.
Rick McKenney - Groomsman
Jake's soon to be brother-in-law and husband of Alicia Tamarkin. Rick paved the way for Jake to join the Tamarkin family, something Jake will forever be grateful for. Jake didn't get nearly the interrogation Rick did.
Maria Tamarkin - Bridesmaid
As of April, Maria is the newest member of the Tamarkin family having married Matt. Lauren is thrilled Matt found someone who can convince him to try vegetables and doesn't wait on him hand and foot.
Matt Tamarkin - Groomsman
Lauren's brother and Jake's soon to be brother-in-law. Matt was the first person Jake told about his intentions to marry Lauren and sought his guidance on how to do it. Considering we're here right now, Matt gives some great advice.